Why Join?
Membership to the Niagara Corvette Club is open to Corvette enthusiasts, even if you do not own a Corvette. If you own a Corvette, you can become a Full Member or if you do not own a Corvette, you can become an Associate member. Full Memberships and Associate Memberships include an Affiliate membership for your spouse or companion at no extra cost.
Membership entitles you to participate in our monthly meetings, cruises, events, and receive our quarterly newsletter.
For more information about the club contact Joe Bello, President
Phone: (289) 228-9449 or E-mail president@niagaracorvetteclub.com
How To Join
To join fill out the form OR print NCC Application Form (PDF) and e-mail to Susan Smith, Director of Membership at membership@niagaracorvetteclub.com or call Susan for more information 905- 633-8547.
Please read the NCC General Membership Waiver & Release Document here. Payment of the yearly membership fee constitutes acceptance of the terms of the waiver.
Full Membership: $75 per year
Associate Member: $75 per year
Membership runs from January 1 to December 31 annually.
Snail Mail can be sent to:
Niagara Corvette Club
40 Woodside Square
Fonthill ON L0S 1E4