Redneck Party
Thanks to everyone who made the Redneck party such a success! Food was great as usual, and it was amazing to see how many people actually came in costume! This club is crazier than I thought….. Partiers were able to choose a name for their nametag or they could make up their own as did our winner of the Bra Pong Tourney.
WINNERS of the Bra Pong Game were…….Arshole (Robert Parkin) 1st, Jim Bob (Craig Gemmel) 2nd, Roxxy (Shirley Griff) 3rd, and in 4th place was Cooter (Roger Shanks)
WINNERS of the costume contest were Ard (Ardythe Bond) – women; Jaker- Trailer Park Manager (Jake Bas) – men
It really makes my day when I see how much people (get into’ my themes/parties), it makes all the work worthwhile and a lot of fun for me as well. I want to thank my referee/scorekeeper – Billy Buck (Bill Coates), and helper Trixie (Gail Anders) who are always ready to pitch in and help me.
SPECIAL THANKS to Pam and Roger Shanks who opened up their lovely home for us, supplied drinks, food and some prizes. It was nice to have a different venue for a party.