2019 Cruise into Cullens – Show and Shine
The highlight of July 2019 was our Annual Corvette Car Show held at our major sponsor’s location, Brian Cullen Motors in St. Catharines. A record number of Corvettes showed up, 142 of them to be exact. Members from 7 other Quad C clubs supported us, and 40 cars from our own NCC also entered. That number was augmented by Club members and their significant others that jumped in to help with the administration of the show. The team was led by Harold and Gail with able support from Cullen’s by member Joe who, along with many others of the Cullen staff, not to mention Bob Cullen and Jeff Hewitt, were very supportive of the venture. There were many members who contributed to the success of the show, including the above mentioned people, along with others like John M who worked behind the scenes, and Lynn M who arranged and distributed the draw prizes for the participants. But the big news is that early returns show a net profit to our Niagara Children’s Centre fund raising program of some $4,000, a tremendous achievement by the members of the club.